The Assam Conservation Trust (TACT)

Heritage for Identity Conservation for Progress

About Tact


To create a research and application institute for path breaking and innovative research and products.


Assam, and the North-East in general, is endowed with a natural biodiversity that is unique and rich. This natural richness has automatically enriched the cultural landscape of Assam. With its timeless history and meeting of many cultures, Assam has developed a rich heritage and diversity in every sphere like cultural, anthropological and historical. While it occupies a prominent place in epics, Puranas and mythology, it has also its unique history and customs. However, with the advent of modern technologies, and the homogenizations they are inducing, the heritage of Assam is threatened at every front. There is a need for a concerted and systematic effort to conserve this heritage. The Assam Conservation Trust is an attempt at such conservation.


“The Assam Conservation Trust (TACT)” was established by Dr Prashant Goswami as the Settlor. Having established the Trust, the Settlor relinquishes all responsibilities: administrative, legal, managerial and financial to the Trust, except what is recorded herein.

Nature of Trust:

The Trust shall be an irrevocable public trust for the benefit of all classes of persons in the society. The Trustees shall stand possessed of the amount of corpus endowed by the Settlor, subsequent enhancements thereof, and such other properties, both moveable and immoveable, including soft products, patents and copyrights as may be acquired by the Trust from time to time by way or purchase, exchange, grant, allotment, subscription, endowment, donation, contribution, or in any manner whatsoever and the same shall be designated as properties of the Trust.


All classes of general public, without regard to any caste, creed, religion, race or sex, shall be entitled to the benefits accruing from the Trust and be regarded as the beneficiaries.

Objects of the Trust:

  1. Organize/conduct events, campaigns etc. to promote and propagate heritage.
  2. Compile traditional knowledge in various areas of farming, architecture, medicine, cooking, fabric, folklore, art forms, media and materials, etc., and carrvout research with modern methods.
  3. Develop multi-media avenues like website, magazine, TV Channel etc., for promoting and propagating heritage, and adopt new technologies for such activities as appropriate and available.
  4. Promote/establish Science and Technology parks, centres, etc.
  5. Establish Fellowships, Chairs and other mechanisms in heritage.
  6. Promote or establish and maintain heritage/conservation centres, museums, activity centres, etc.
  7. Carry out research to discover/understand and strengthen conservation in various areas.
  8. Promote/publish books, monographs, films etc to documents and promote heritage.
  9. Create, compile and maintain a multi-media database on heritage.
  10. Conduct and/or support research in promoting and/or developing Science and Technology through projects and institutions.
  11. Develop industrial and/or business liaisons and projects for promoting heritage products.
  12. Act as a think tank for conserving and popularizing heritage.
  13. To establish, maintain and operate institutions to impart education with focus on conservation.
  14. To establish and operate training and research and development centers aimed at conservation.
  15. To develop national and international research alliances, consortia and networks for conservation.
  16. To develop products and processes for S &T applications and engage in their promotion.
  17. To acquire moveable and immoveable properties for the Trust to achieve and further the objects of the Trust.